Our COVID policies are fluid and depend on cases, hospitalizations, and CDC and Health Department guidelines. Masks are currently required for all students. Please remember to send a mask with your dancer.
If your child has been exposed or shows symptoms, please do not send her or him to dance. We will continue to offer Zoom options for students who hae to quarantine because of COVID.
If you have a child in the Monday 5:15 hip hop, Monday 6:00 ballet, or Boys hip hop class, masks are mandatory; the teacher for that class recently received a bone marrow transplant and we want to take all necessary precautions to keep her healthy.
At this time, we ask that parents please continue to reduce their time in the building. The office will be open for questions and to take payments, but please do not remain in the waiting room while the students are in class. We would like to err on the side of caution and limit the number of people congregated in small spaces.
Because we are uncertain of what COVID will look like during the fall and winter months, we will not schedule parent observation weeks at this time. We hope to offer a parent observation week in the spring and will provide details at a later date.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.