Students are required to attend all scheduled classes. Good attendance is imperative not only to your child, but to the other dancers in the class. Absences can hinder class progress and performance. If you must miss a class, please notify studio prior to that class.
Dress Code (rev 8/22)
Students should wear appropriate dance apparel. Leotards, tights, workout tops, leggings or biker shorts are acceptable dancewear. Cover-ups may be worn, providing they are appropriate for dance class.
Pink ballet shoes (ballet and combo classes)
Black tap shoes (tap and combo classes)
Dance paws or foot undeez (jazz and lyrical classes)
No shoes (acrobatic classes)
Sneakers (hip hop classes)
Dancers cannot wear outside shoes to class. THis is often a problem in hip hop classes. They have to change into a separate pair of shoes to help keep our floors clean and dry.
Dancers do not wear shoes for acrobatic classes. IF they wear tights, please make sure they have footless, stirrup, or transition tights so they do not slip.
Tuition Policy (rev 8/22)
Tuition remains the same regardless of a long or short month. It is NOT affected by absenteeism or holidays. If a student drops out of classes, there will be no refunds, even for classes paid for and not attended (see Class Withdrawl paragraph).
If student does not attend for an extended period of time, and then begins to attend regularly, she will be expected to pay for the missed classes. The only exception would be for an extended illness or injury, for which a doctor's note is required.
Tuition is due by the due date. There will be a late fee of $10 applied to tuition that is paid after 5 days of due date. Checks received after the due date, but dated before, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS ON-TIME PAYMENTS. Please be aware of this if you mail tuition checks.
There is a costume fee added into the monthly tuition payments of all non-competetive students. The fee is $12 per class. Costume fees are non-refundable. IF ACCOUNTS ARE NOT CURRENT AT THE TIME THE COSTUME ORDER IS PLACED, NO COSTUME WILL BE ORDERED.
Students that start classes after the first week of classes:
- If classes are started within two weeks of season start date, you will be responsible to pay a full month of tuition. At studio owner's discretion, one-half tuition may be paid at start of classes and second half may be paid with last monthly payment. This payment arrangement must be authorized by studio owner.
- If classes are started more than two weeks after the start of the season, tuition will be pro-rated with a payment due in June (first payment of full season covers a portion of September and a portion of June).
- Costume payments are NOT pro-rated. Students starting classes late will still be responsible to pay full amount for costume(s).
Class Withdrawl (rev 9/14)
Any student withdrawing from a class or classes must fill out a Class Withdrawl Notice (form available in office). You will continue to be billed, and responsible for payment of class(es) until your student has been formally withdrawn from class(es). Class Withdrawl Notice must be dated and turned in to studio staff, or placed in the inside mailbox, to be deemed a formal withdrawl.
Additional Costumes, Accessories, etc.
There are times when extra hairpieces, props, etc., have to be ordered, for which there may be an extra fee. If your child is in a combination class, there are times when an additional outfit may have to be ordered, depending on how many dances she does in the spring recital. There will be an extra fee for additional costumes ordered.
Returned Checks
A $20 return check fee will be automatically charged for all returned checks.
A mailbox is located outside of the office for your convenience. Please place payments here. You may also place payments in the mail slot at the building entrance during off hours.
Please refer to the calendar of scheduled activities. Do not assume that because your child is on vacation from school that the studio will also be closed. No deductions from monthly tuition will be made during the studio breaks.
Weather Closings (rev 1/14)
The studio will not necessarily close for snow days, regardless of school closings. During inclement weather, please call the studio after 2:00 pm for verification of cancellations. A recorded message will inform everyone as to whether classes will meet on that day.
Make-Up Sessions
Classes that are cancelled due to inclement weather will only be rescheduled if there is more than one cancellation per class.
The LLDS does not carry medical insurance for students. It is required that all students are covered by their own family insurance. If injury should occur, the student's own policy is the only source of reimbursement.
Communication Boards
Important information such as scheduled changes, activities, costume updates, etc., are posted. Please read the communication board with each visit to remain current of activities and changes.
Memos/Written Notices
On occasion and as deemed necessary, written communication will be given either by handout or mail. In any other case, communication will be posted on the communication boards in the studio reception area.
Recital Information Packets (rev 4/15)
One (1) recital packet per family will be distributed in the spring (April/May). A family representative, age 16 or older, must sign acknowledging receipt of recital packet. Recital packet will be available to print from the website if you require an additional copy. An additional hard copy of the recital packet can be purchased from the studio office for $5.
Lost and Found
Items misplaced or forgotten will be placed in the lost and found box. Anything not picked up within a three week period will be discarded or taken to a thrift store. Please ensure that all dance apparel is identified with the dancer's name.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Please keep in mind that LLDS is NOT a babysitting service. Please do not drop your child off more than ten minutes before class begins or pick her up more than ten minutes after the class has finished. Our instructors cannot watch them, as they are in class with other students. IF YOUR CHILD IS TOO YOUNG TO BE LEFT HOME ALONE, SHE IS TOO YOUNG TO BE LEFT IN THE STUDIO UNATTENDED. If we have an office assistant that day, it is not her responsibility, or the responsibility of the other parents to watch your children.
The only students who are permitted to remain in the studio after a class are those students who have a break in between two or more of their classes. These students must be given permission by the studio director to do so.
The studio offers a break room for all students who have a break in between their classes. This room is provided for students to eat meals and study. All parents and siblings are encouraged to remain in the studio waiting room. The office is reserved for office personnel only.
Annual Registration Fee (rev. 8/17)
Annual registration fee is payable at time of registration before the start of each dance season. New students that register for summer dance or summer tumbling classes are required to pay the annual registration fee at the time of summer dance registration. Returning students must pay registration fee before the start of the fall dance season. Non-LLDS students that take private lessons must pay registration fee prior to start of private lessons for each dance season. Registration fee is non-refundable.
Social Media (added 8/15)
At times, student images, likenesses, spoken words, etc., may be used on website, print and electronic media. Studio will exercise appropriate judgment and discretion in the use of same.
Prospective New Students (added 9/15)
Prospective new students may try one (1) class in each applicable discipline for their age for one (1) week. Cost for trial class(es) is $5 each. Any fees paid for trial class(es) will be applied towards registration fee for that dance season if dancer registers for classes. Trial class fees are not refundable.
Class Conduct
Keeping your dancer's safety in mind, the following should apply:
- No chewing gum or candy is permitted during class
- Acrobatic practice without an instructor present is prohibited
- Food and beverages in glass bottles are not permitted in the dance room
- Horseplay is not permitted
- Hanging on or from the ballet barres is not permitted
- Dancers are not allowed to play outside of the studio or in the parking lot
- Running in the hallways is not permitted
RATES 2024-25
1st Student | 2nd Student | 3rd Student | |
Class # | Tuition | Tuition | Tuition |
1st class | $64.00 | $43.00 | $37.00 |
2nd class | $35.00 | $29.00 | $27.00 |
3rd class | $25.00 | $15.00 | $15.00 |
4th class | $20.00 | $15.00 | $15.00 |
5th class | $15.00 | $15.00 | $15.00 |
6th class | $15.00 | $15.00 | $15.00 |
7th class | $15.00 | $15.00 | $15.00 |
**Opening | $9.00 | $9.00 | $9.00 | Weekly scheduled Technique Class |
$12/month (5+ classes) or $15/month (4 or less) |
$12/month (5+ classes) or $15/month (4 or less) |
$12/month (5+ classes) or $15/month (4 or less) |
The 1st student from the same family is the dancer who is taking the most classes.
Additional students must be immediate family members who live in the same household.
** Opening is applicable for Competition Team members only
1st Tuition Payment: First Day of Classes
2nd Tuition Payment: October 20th
3rd Tuition Payment: November 20th
4th Tuition Payment: December 20th
5th Tuition Payment: January 20th
6th Tuition Payment: February 20th
7th Tuition Payment: March 20th
8th Tuition Payment: April 20th
9th Tuition Payment: May 20th
Payments can be made by cash, check, credit card, Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal.
Anyone who pays by cash or check will receive a $5 discount with each monthly payment, providing the payment is made by the due date.
A $10 charge will be added to all payments made more than five days late, even when the studio is closed for holidays. We do offer several ways to pay online, and our studio has a mail slot conveniently located on the building by the front door.
- Add $12 per class to your monthly tuition ($15 for combo students)
- *Pay one costume payment of $95 per class due November 1st ($120 combo students)
*Pay in full option is discounted. Payment MUST be received by due date to receive the discount.
- 15 Minutes: $15.00
- 30 Minutes: $25.00
- 45 Minutes: $35.00
- 60 Minutes: $45.00
- Pricing is for all acro and technique privates only. Solos are billed separately. Above private lesson fees also apply to non-LLDS students that take private lessons. Registration fee must be paid for current dance season prior to start of any private lessons for that season.
- New pricing begins September 18th at the start of this dance season.
- Fees are due on or before each lesson. New privates cannot be scheduled if the previous private is unpaid.
Tuition Yearly Payment: A $25 discount is available for tuition paid in full by 1st day of 2024-25 classes
Tuition Quarterly Payments: A $15 discount is available for tuition paid quarterly. 1st payment due by the first day of classes, 2nd payment due December 20, 2024, and final payment due March 20, 2024. $15 discount will be deducted from final payment.
Payments must be paid by the due dates to receive the discount.
Tuition is due on or before due date. A $10 late fee will be added if payment is not received within 5 days of due date. Tuition is due regardless of holidays or spring break schedule. Invoices will be mailed after 10th of each month for any unpaid monthly tuition. Delinquent accounts will receive written notice that student will not be permitted to attend classes until the account is made current.